Watercolour Scarecrows
Join artist and illustrator Alex Lowe for a special return to the Warkworth Library to paint fanciful or scary scarecrows. $10 includes all materials. To register, email Patrick at warkworthlibrary@trenthills.ca
Join artist and illustrator Alex Lowe for a special return to the Warkworth Library to paint fanciful or scary scarecrows. $10 includes all materials. To register, email Patrick at warkworthlibrary@trenthills.ca
Join yoga instructor Melissa Ross in Hastings for chair yoga! $35 for 7 weeks, or $7 per class drop-in. Email jennifer.madden@trenthills.ca to register.
Knitters of all levels chat and share ideas every week at the Campbellford branch. Email brianne.hornsby@trenthills.ca for more info.
Join yoga instructor Melissa Ross in Hastings for Vinyasa yoga! $35 for 7 weeks, or $7 per class drop-in. Email jennifer.madden@trenthills.ca to register.
Join Art Therapist Lee Kellogg in Hastings for an evening of art! Learn about how art therapy uses the creative process to enhance well being, enjoy a cup of warm apple cider, and have fun painting a fall themed canvas. Teens and adults welcome! Cost: $20. Email jennifer.madden@trenthills.ca to register.
The book club with a differnce! Instead of all reading the same book, we read differnt books on the same topic. This month's topic is "Night". Hastings Library. Email jennifer.madden@trenthills.ca for more information and to register.
Join Community Care Northumberland at the Campbellford branch for an 8-week session of chair yoga! $40 for 8 weeks. Please bring a yoga strap or non-stretchy scarf. Email: wellness@commcare.ca or call: 1-866-514-5774
Join Pat Ward in Warkworth for another of her popular macrame workshops for beginners. She will teach how to make three-dimensional macrame pumpkins just in time for Hallowe'en! $10 includes all materials. To register, email Patrick at warkworthlibrary@trenthills.ca
Join instructor Wilson Yip in Hastings and experience how the slow and controlled movements of Tai Chi sequesnces can benefit your health and wellness! $30 for 7 weeks or $7 per class drop-in. Email jennifer.madden@trenthills.ca to register.
Calling all writers – join us at the Campbellford branch! Email Mary Lou for details at MaryLou.Dumka@trenthills.ca