Trent Hills Library Services


How to Get a Library Card


Any person who resides within the Municipality of Trent Hills is entitled to free membership at the Trent Hills Public Library. This membership provides borrowing privileges at the Campbellford, Hastings and Warkworth Public Libraries, allowing you to borrow physical and digital titles, as well as to access the Library’s Online Resources. To obtain membership a person may go to any of the branches and provide identification and proof of residence to the librarian./span>


Children under the age of 12 must register for membership accompanied by a parent or guardian who presents identification (with name and address) and is responsible for damaged or lost items.


Those residing outside of the Municipality of Trent Hills who would like a Library membership need to provide identification and pay a non-resident membership fee of: $50.00 per year or $25.00 for a six-month term.

Replacement Cards

Lost or damaged membership cards will be replaced at a fee of $2.00.

Loan Periods and Fines

Renewals may be made on any materials provided if another patron has not already reserved them.
A renewal can be done in the library, over the phone, or online. Materials may be returned to any three of our Branches.
Library staff will contact patrons who have borrowed materials past their due dates.

Loan Period

Books and Magazines: 3 weeks
Audio Books: 3 weeks
DVDs: 3 weeks

Overdue Fines

*The Trent Hills Public Library will remain fine free until the end of 2021*

Books and Magazines: 15 cents (per open library day)
DVDs: $2.00 (per open library day)
Interlibrary Loan: $1.00 (per open library day)
Talking Books: $1.00 (per open library day)


Computer Services

All 3 Branches offer wireless Internet access as well as public access computers.
Wireless Internet is also available 24/7 outside of the Libraries.

The Campbellford, Hastings and Warkworth Libraries each have 2 “Early Literacy” computers reserved just for kids.

They have lots of games and programs that you can play in English or French!
Early Literacy Stations are a ground breaking educational tool for children ages 2 through 10.

The ELS computers tap into intrinsic learning.

Kids are captivated by the interface and start to explore immediately.
The ELS makes learning fun!


Internet Usage & Policy Guidelines for Public Access


  • A user may book a public access computer for half hour sessions at no charge. Reservations will be held for ten minutes after the scheduled time.
  • First time users must check in at the main circulation desk and complete a User Agreement Form. Each time you use a public access computer you must check in at the main circulation desk and have a computer signed out to you using your membership card, or you may be checked in as a “Guest” if you do not wish to obtain membership.
  • Users may remain on a computer for longer than 30 minutes providing that there is no other person requesting to use one.
  • Printing is available (see below for pricing)
  • User supplied or downloaded software shall not be installed on the library’s computers.
  • Whenever time and knowledge permit, staff may assist users. Self-help links are available through the Ontario Library Service Home Page.


The Trent Hills Public Library Board offers free Internet access to the public. The library’s Internet access is intended primarily as an information resource which allows users to connect to electronic resources outside of the library. 

However, because the Internet is an unfiltered medium, it enables access to ideas, information and images beyond the confines of the library’s collection, selection criteria and collection polices. Therefore, the Library Board of Trent Hills and the staff of the Trent Hills Public Library do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, currency, content or appropriateness of any material on the Internet. 

It is not acceptable to interfere with or disrupt the network or its wireless users, services or equipment. Disruptions include but are not limited to: distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer viruses, vandalizing the data of any other user and using the network to make unauthorized entry to any other. 

The Trent Hills Library Board and Trent Hills Public Library staff are not responsible for infringement of copyright laws by Internet users. 

The Trent Hills Library Board and Trent Hills Public Library staff reserve the right to ask individuals to refrain from displaying disturbing information or images on the Internet computers. They may also not be used for illegal or unethical purposes. 

All users of electronic reference sources such as the Internet are expected to use them in a responsible manner, consistent with the educational and informational purposes for which they are provided and to follow the rules and regulations of the library in which these services are provided. 

Responsible and Ethical Use of the Internet Includes:

1. Using the Internet for educational, informational and recreational purposes only, not for unauthorized illegal or unethical purposes.

2. Not attempting to modify or gain access to files, passwords, or data belonging to others; not seeking unauthorized access to any computer system or damaging or altering software components of any network database.

3. Not sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which are illegal or may reasonably be constructed as obscene or offensive to others.

4. Signing a user agreement before using public access computers for the first time please note:

Trent Hills Library Board Passed: June 10th, 2009

Help From an IT Specialist

For anyone requiring assistance with downloading ebooks or other computer needs, we offer technology sessions with our IT specialist.
This can be arranged at any branch, please call your library to set up a session.

Printing, Photocopying, Scanning and Fax Services are Available!

Printing & Photocopy Pricing:

  • B&W pages are 20 cents per single-sided page
  • B&W pages are 40 cents per double-sided page
  • Colour pages are 50 cents per single-sided page
  • Colour pages are $1.00 per double-sided page
  • Colour pages are $1.00 per double-sided page

Fax Service

  • Local: $1.00 per page
  • Long Distance: $2.00 for the first page
  • $1.00 each for additional pages


  • Free

Musical Instrument Loans available at the Stirling Musical Lending Library – click here to learn more

Meeting Rooms


Room Rental Policy

REGULATIONS: Campbellford Branch only

Click Here to View General Facility Use: Meeting and Study Rooms – OP-13

Meeting rooms are available for booking at the Campbellford and Hastings branches. In addition, an individual study room is available at the Campbellford branch for same day call in or walk in booking.

Study Rooms

Meeting rooms in the library bring together the resources of the library and the activities of the community for educational, cultural, civic, recreational and charitable purposes. The library provides a forum for the expression of diverse ideas and opinions; however, use of the meeting room shall not be interpreted to constitute endorsement by the Trent Hills Public Library Board of the policies and beliefs of groups or individuals.

  • The Trent Hills Public Library Board:
    1. will not knowingly permit any individual or group to use its facilities in contravention of the Criminal Code of Canada. Federal, provincial and municipal legislation and regulations must be observed at all times.
    2. reserves the right to accept or refuse a reservation, or to cancel any booking at its discretion.
    3. will set and review rental fees.
  • The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) authorizes the use of the rooms.
  • Staff maintain the schedule and will make every effort to notify scheduled users of the unavailability of the meeting room in case of emergencies.
  • Room bookings will be guided by the following:
    1. No booking will be confirmed until signed copies of the application form are returned and a discretionary deposit is made on the room rental.
    2. The applicant is responsible for any damages incurred and will be required to indemnify the Trent Hills Public Library Board any and all claims of any nature and kind, the cost of which may arise out of or by reason of granting this application.
    3. The Trent Hills Public Library Board accepts no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen articles.
    4. All organizations must clearly specify their name in advertisements of meetings or events held in the library.
    5. No alcoholic beverages may be dispensed or consumed on library property.
    6. Reservations for the rooms will only be held for 30 minutes beyond the specified starting time unless the library is contacted.
    7. Room charges for meeting rooms can be prepaid, invoiced or billed.
    8. No smoking is permitted on library premises.
    9. Evening meetings shall terminate by 11 pm or an additional rental fee will be charged.
    10. Chairs and tables are available. In the Campbellford Branch: Carnegie-West Room capacity – 60, Green Room capacity – 20. In the Hastings Branch: Hastings Hall capacity – 220. The library does not have a full-time custodian; therefore, groups using the rooms are responsible for setting and leaving the rooms as they found them.
    11. Federal, provincial and municipal laws, by-laws and fire regulations are to be observed at all times.
    12. Exhibitions: The Trent Hills Public Library Board will not become involved in any sales pertaining to exhibits. Exhibitors will be responsible for the setting up and removal of their displays and assume all insurance coverage.
    13. Photocopies are not included in the room rental fee. Fees are 20 cents per black and white and 50 cents for a single-coloured copy.
    14. Under by-law 2004-20 passed by the Municipality of Trent Hills, a response to a false alarm during the rental period can be chargeable up to $500.00.
    15. A certificate of insurance for 2 million dollar liability must be provided for any business/commercial room rental.


    Campbellford Branch

    Four Hours Or Less
    More than Four Hours
    Carnegie West-Room
    Green Room

    Chairs and tables are available: Carnegie-West Room capacity – 60, Green Room – 20. The library does not have a full-time custodian; therefore, groups using the rooms are responsible for setting and leaving the rooms as they found them. If the rooms are left unacceptable an additional $100.00 will be charged.

    Hastings Branch

    Hastings Hall and Kitchen during Library hours
    $50.00 per hour
    Hastings Hall and Kitchen outside of Library hours
    $80.00 per hour (3 hour minimum)

    Chairs and tables are available: capacity – 220. The library does not have a full-time custodian; therefore, groups using the rooms are responsible for setting and leaving the rooms as they found them. If the rooms are left unacceptable an additional $100.00 will be charged.

    The fees are waived for:

    • Library-sponsored programs
    • Friends of the Library groups
    • Constituency meetings of local MPPs or MPs
    • Municipal meetings
    • Proctored examinations for university/college students
    • Hastings Community Lunch
    • Hastings Revitalization Association

    The Trent Hills Public Library Board reserves the right to accept or refuse a reservation or cancel any book at their discretion.

    Study Room

    A study room is available at the Campbellford branch for use by individuals and small groups (1 to 4 people). There are no fees for the study room. Please call the Campbellford branch (705-653-3611) or see a staff member to book the study room. Note:

    • The study room may be reserved for up to 3 hours at a time.
    • All persons are limited to a maximum of 3 hours per day of reservation time (this time may be split).
    • The room may be reserved up to one week in advance. Only two advance reservations may be made for a specific week but additional times may be added on the day before or on the desired day subject to other user’s reservations.
    • There is a 15-minute grace period for reservations. If the room is not being used by an eligible group at the end of the grace period, the entire reservation is forfeit. If you have forfeited your reservation but still have need of a group study room, please find an alternate location.
    • Back-to-back reservations are not permitted but groups may stay beyond their reserved time if there is no subsequent reservation and there is no other group waiting for a room to open.
    • In order to protect equipment and for sanitary reasons no food/drink is allowed in the study room.
    • The Trent Hills Public Library is not responsible for any items left unattended in the study room.
    • Violation of the study room policy may result in loss of privilege.






Interlibrary Loans


1. Requests for interlibrary loans will be accepted for patrons with accounts free of fines and with no overdue materials.

2. New patrons may request interlibrary loans after a two month period.

3. Requests are accepted for items over 12 months old, if the item is new please suggest a purchase to one of the library branches.

4. Patrons may have a maximum of 3 interlibrary loans in process (requested, received and circulating) at any time.

5. Loan periods for interlibrary loan items are set by the lending library. The loan period for most items is 3 weeks. DVDs may be a shorter period.  With the increased demand for DVDs by patrons and other libraries, Trent Hills will be limiting DVDs to 4 per patron card. 

6. Interlibrary loan materials renewals must be authorized by the lending library. Requests for a renewal must be received at least 4 days before the due date of the item. Please visit the library or call any of the branches to request.

7. Patrons will be responsible for all fees and services charged by the lending library. If materials are lost or damaged, the replacement cost will be established by the lending library.

8. Materials borrowed through interlibrary loan must be returned to the Trent Hills Public Library (Campbellford, Warkworth, or Hastings Branch).

9. Overdue charges for interlibrary loans are $1.00 per item, per day.

10. Please be aware that interlibrary loans are now sent through Canada Post, and your request may take longer.

This service will be reviewed at the end of the year.






Proctoring Exams


The Trent Hills Library will proctor exams for students. The cost of photocopying, faxing or mailing is the responsibility of the student. Please contact the CEO for further information.